Weekly meetings will take place on Mondays from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.. The Canvas LMS “community,” to which new faculty will have access once they receive their Montclair email address, provides a space to share information. Any changes to this calendar will be posted there. As for workshops slated into specific time blocks, we recognize that there may be overlap with religious holidays and understand if colleagues are not able to attend those sessions.
During the course of the semester, new faculty members should participate in one or more of the sessions proposed by the Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE). We will discuss your experience of the OFE sessions when we meet with that group. OFE opportunities are posted here: http://tev2.paulytheprayingpup.com/faculty-advancement/events/
2024 Fall Semester Schedule (* denotes dates that NFP resource mentors are especially encouraged to attend)
September 3
(9:30 AM, Cole Hall, 340)
Informal kick-off session with experienced colleagues and representatives from the Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE) to answer any last-minute teaching or other questions you may have.
Three-minute survey for us to learn more about your teaching needs: survey
September 9*
Introduction and Welcome (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Welcome from campus administrators, representatives, and new faculty program staff.
Junius Gonzales, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kenneth Sumner, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Acting Dean of The Graduate School
Emily Isaacs, Executive Director, Office for Faculty Excellence
Laura Lakusta, Director of New Faculty Program
Christine Giancatarino, Co-Director, New Faculty Program
Tenure Track/Tenured Faculty Resource Mentors: Priya Lalvani (CEEL), Tarika Daftary-Kapur (CHSS), Michelle Zhu (CSAM), Livia Alexander (CART), Ram Dubey (SBUS), Mousumi Bose (CCHL)
Teaching Faculty Resource Mentors: Gai Grannon (CART), Victor Metallo (SBUS)
Faculty/Staff Members of the African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Disability, and Latinx/a/o Caucuses: Reginia Judge, Sumi Hagiwara, Priya Lalvani, Johnny Lorenz
Group and College Photos (Courtyard at Feliciano School) (~4:30 pm)
September 9*
Reception with President Jonathan Koppell (Details to Follow)
September 16
Support Services (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Dean of Students
Margaree Coleman-Carter, Associate Vice President and Dean of Students
Representatives from the Office of the Dean of Students will discuss services and present opportunities for faculty to engage with student organizations and campus life.
Equity and Title IX
Paul Apicella, Director of Institutional Compliance and Title IX Coordinator
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) (4:00 pm)
Jaclyn Friedman-Lombardo, Director of the Counseling & Psychological Services
Disability Resource Center (4:30 pm)
Meghan Hearns, Director of the Disability Resource Center
September 23
Get to Know your Dean/Director (3:00 pm: location announced by respective school or college)
Each dean will present their vision and expectations for faculty, describe the different centers and departments, and introduce staff members.
September 30
Tenure Track Faculty Program: Supporting Faculty Research Initiatives (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Kenneth Sumner, Associate Provost for Academic Personnel and Professor of Psychology
Stefanie Brachfeld, Acting Vice Provost for Research and Professor of Marine Biology
Frederic “Ted” Russo, Director of Research and Sponsored Programs
Kimberly Bazylewicz, Director of Research Compliance, Research Compliance and Regulatory Programs
Dana Levitt, Professor of Counseling and Chair of the Institutional Review Board
Christine Singh, Director of Grants Accounting
Teaching Faculty Program: Teaching with Generative AI at Montclair (3:00 pm, Cole Hall 340)
Faculty Developers from the Office of Faculty Excellence (OFE) and members of the Montclair community will gather in this workshop to discuss inventive ways of engaging with Generative AI in the classroom space.
October 7*
Question/Answer with Faculty Representatives of the University Senate and American Federation of Teachers (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Shannon Bellum, Family Science and Human Development, Department Administrator; President, University Senate (3:00 pm)
Laura Field, Associate Teaching Professor, Dept. of Writing Studies; President, AFT Local 1904, (3:45 pm)
Rick Reid, Associate Teaching Professor, Dept. of Writing Studies, Teaching Faculty Representative, AFT Local 1904
Early Semester Check-In with Resource Faculty (4:30 pm)
October 14
Navigating the New and Enjoying Life as a Montclair Professor (3:00 – 4:15, SBUS 140)
Six recent emeriti faculty offer their take on best practices when navigating your new position at MSU and enjoying your years as a professor at MSU. The panelist will share their experiences -both the successful and the not-so-successful – efforts they employed on the job; sharing humorous but informative stories as illustrations. A Q & A will follow the informal panel discussion.
A Conversation with Katia Paz Goldfarb, Associate Provost for Hispanic Initiatives and International Programs (4:15 pm)
October 21
How to Support Student Success Inside and Outside of the Classroom
Part 1: (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Emily Isaacs, Executive Director, Office for Faculty Excellence
Part 2: (4:00 pm)
Danielle Insalaco-Egan, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Studies and Acting Dean of University College
April Catching, Director of Advising, High-Impact Practices and the First-Year Experience, University College
Jessica Murphy, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Success, and Academic Innovation
Julie Mazur, Assistant Provost for Academic Success and Tutoring
Daniel Jean, Associate Provost for Educational Opportunity and Success Programs
October 28
Curriculum and Technology Workshop (3:00-4:15 pm, UN5009)
Hands on activities and group-based discussions with Instructional Technology & Design Services (ITDS). Colleagues will demonstrate programs such as Panopto, Hypothesis, Lightboard, Padlet, and polling software, which can be helpful for engaging students, building learning interactivities and collaborations, and designing assessments. Montclair course design methodologies and pedagogical models will also be introduced.
November 4*
Tenure Track Faculty Program: Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Kenneth Sumner, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Acting Dean of the Graduate School
Mary Colón, Assistant Vice for Academic Personnel Services
Teaching Faculty Program: Service as a Teaching Faculty Member at Montclair (3:00 pm Cole Hall, 340)
Service is a key component of the Teaching Faculty position and a requirement for reappointment. This workshop will discuss expectations for service as a new Teaching faculty member, and will include a discussion about different service opportunities on campus.
All Faculty: Check-in and Discussion with Faculty Mentors (4:00 pm in SBUS and Cole Hall respectively)
November TBD
Optional New Faculty Outing to a Campus Performance (to be confirmed)
November 11
Tenure Track Faculty Program: How to Showcase your Work
(Location: Library first floor, Reading Room – located past the Commuter Study Space and OFE and CAST offices.)
Library Resources (3:00 pm – 3:30 pm)
Catherine Baird, Online and Outreach Services Librarian and Siobhan McCarthy, Scholarly Communications Librarian: Digital Commons, Research NJ, Scholarly Metrics, and Media Outreach
Meet and greet with liaison librarians (3:30 pm- 4:00 pm)
Media Boot Camp 101 (4:00 pm)
Andrew Mees, Assistant Vice President, Strategic Content; Elyse Fernandez, Director, Media Relations and Content Strategy
Teaching Faculty Program: Fostering Student Success at an HSI (3:00 pm Cole Hall, 340)
Since 2016, Montclair has been designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI); last year, “Forty-five percent of the incoming class of 2027 identifie[d] as Hispanic.” This workshop will ask us to consider how our role as an HSI translates into our pedagogy. What are some actionable ways we can support student success in the classroom space?
November 18*
Tenure Track Faculty Program: Faculty Scholarship Program (FSP) (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Kenneth Sumner, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, and Acting Dean of The Graduate School
FSP Working Groups (4:00 pm)
Faculty will bring model narratives and converse in small groups about their respective research agendas. The resource faculty will facilitate and provide suggestions as needed.
Teaching Faculty Program: Managing the Teaching Load (A Panel Discussion) (3:00 pm Cole Hall, 340)
A panel of faculty across disciplines will share their experience as members of the Teaching faculty at Montclair. Faculty will share their experiences teaching at Montclair, and have a conversation about how they balance the teaching load and take care of themselves in the process
November 25
College/School Session (3:00 pm: Location announced by respective Dean/Director’s Office)
December 2*
Tenure Track Faculty Program: Panel Discussion: Tenure Experience (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Recently tenured faculty will share their experiences regarding the tenure process at MSU followed by discussion with resource faculty.
Teaching Faculty Program: Teaching as Reflective Practice (3:00 pm Cole Hall, 340)
Faculty will be led through a workshop to reflect and write about the Fall semester. Faculty will reflect on what worked, what they’d like to adjust, and what they want to experiment with for the Spring. This self-documentation can also serve as a helpful point of reference when Teaching faculty prepare material for reappointment the following year.
All Faculty: Faculty Mentor discussion and semester recap (4:00 pm in SBUS and Cole Hall respectively)
December 9
Information Exchange and Networking – Part 1 (3:00 pm, SBUS 140)
Center for Community Engagement: Krystal Woolston, Director of Public Service Programs
Library Services: Denise O’Shea, Interim Dean of Library Services
Corporate and Foundation Relations: Ruth Kunstadter, Associate Director, Corporate & Foundation Relations
Information Technology: John Sandella, Director of IT Support Services
Information Exchange and Networking – Part 2 (4:00)
Office of International Academic Initiatives: Timothy White, Director of International Academic Initiatives
University Galleries: Megan C. Austin, Director and Alyssa Leslie Villasenor, Engagement and Outreach Coordinator
Campus Safety: TBD
Procurement Services: Shawn Laidlaw, Assistant Vice President of Procurement Services
December 16*
Final Meeting and Networking Session (3:00 pm. SBUS 140)
Tips for Closing out the Term and Planning for Spring (OFE) (3:00)
Emily Isaacs, Executive Director of the Office for Faculty Excellence (3:15)
Words from Associate Provost Sumner (4:00)
End-of-Term Social (4:30)
2025 Spring Semester Schedule for Tenure-Track Faculty (Teaching Faculty- stay tuned!)
Note: In Spring 2025, the Common Meeting Hour is from 2-3:30 on Mondays; Meeting times might be adjusted to accommodate. More information will be forthcoming.
February 3
Applicant submits FSP Proposal to Department Chairperson
February TBD (Location to be confirmed)
Meeting with President Koppell (3:00 pm)
During Month of February 2025 (TBA)
Reappointment Conversation
Reappointment Conversation
Department Chairs and PAC Chairs will arrange for a conversation with each of their first-year, tenure-track faculty member(s) to: Assess the new faculty member’s progress and performance in his or her first year (first semester for Jan. hires); Offer guidance and mentoring in anticipation of the new faculty member’s application for reappointment in the fall 2025 semester.
March 24 (3:00 pm)
Interfolio Session/Demo for Reappointment Application Process (Via ZOOM)
Kenneth Sumner, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Acting Dean, The Graduate School
Mary Colon, Assistant Vice President for Academic Personnel Services
April TBD
Optional: New Faculty experience the Recreation Center:
New Faculty are able to use facilities for free! Date, TBD. Just swipe your MSU ID when you arrive.
April TBD*
Final Session, Wrap Up and Looking Forward (3:00 pm)
Program Director and Faculty Mentors
Navigating Curricular Processes (3:30 pm)
Joanne Cote-Bonanno, Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Assessment
Words from Provost Gonzales (4:00 pm)
End-of-Term Networking Social with Deans and Presenters