Writing Group Successes

The Office for Faculty Excellence congratulates our participants’ successes! Here are a few recent examples:

Diana Agosta

Research on history, race and development of the suburbs through a personal lens. Research is still in progress, but one publication pending. “Possession” (working title)  Oppositional Conversation (www.oppositional conversations.org) Spring 2023

Ellen S. Bakalian

Storyteller. “Cupid and me.” Montclair Film StorySlam 2/23/2023. 

Annie Chen

“Integrating interactive and drama education into teaching Chinese.” spring 2023.

Erin Kang

  1. McKenney, E. E., Brunwasser, S., Richards, J., Day, T., Kofner, B., *McDonald, R., Williams, Z. J., Gillespie-Lynch, K., Kang, E., Lerner, M. D., & Gotham, K. O. (2023). Repetitive negative thinking as a transdiagnostic prospective predictor of depression and anxiety symptoms in neurodiverse first-semester college students. Autism in Adulthood.
  2. Kang, E., Lerner, M. D., & Gadow, K. D. (2023). The Importance of Parent-Teacher Informant Discrepancy in Characterizing Autistic Youth: A Replication Latent Profile Analysis. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 52(1), 108-118.
  3. *+McDonald, R.G., *+Khawar, S., *Yacoub, N., *Cargill, M. I., & Lerner, M. D., & Kang, E. (2022). Performance- and theater-based interventions for supporting social cognition and social communication in autistic youth: A review and theoretical synthesis. Seminars in Speech and Language, 43(4), 255-276. http://doi.org/10.1055/s-0042-1750763
  4. Gerber, A. H., Kang, E., Nahmias, A. S., Libsack, E. J., Simson, C. E. & Lerner, M. D. (2022). Predictors of treatment response to a community-delivered group social skills intervention for youth with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-022-05559-2.

Sze Yan Liu

Increased female political representation associated with lower county-level uninsured and preventable hospitalizations rates in the United States, 2013–2018. Public Health, 216, 2023, Pages 7-12, doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2022.12.007.

Brenda Marshall

Psychiatric-Mental Health Guidelines for Advanced Practice Nursesedited by Brenda Marshall, Julie Bliss, and Suzanne Drake (Springer 2024)

Christy Randazzo

 Quakers, Ecology, and the Light, co-authored manuscript, and second published book/manuscript, Spring 2023

Have an item to contribute? Let us know.